SGA Ribbon(s) or Medal(s)
US Military Award(s)
Achievement Ribbon
Achievement Medal
Air Force Achievement Medal
For heroism, meritorious service or meritorious achievement after 30 September, 1981.
(United States Air Force)
Airman's Medal Ribbon
Corporal's Medal Ribbon
Airman's Medal
For heroism that involves the voluntary risk of life under conditions other than those of conflict with an opposing force.
(United States Air Force)
Commendation Ribbon
Commendation Medal
Air Force Commendation Medal
For heroism, meritorious achievement or meritorious service.
(United States Air Force or Attached Service)
Distinguished Service Ribbon
USAF Distinguished Service Medal
Distinguished Service Medal
For exceptionally meritorious service to the government in a duty of great responsibility.
(United States Air Force)
Good Conduct Ribbon
Good Conduct Medal
Good Conduct Medal
Awarded for exemplary behavior, efficiency and fidelity during a three-year period of service.
(United States Air Force)
Humanitarian Service Ribbon
Humanitarian Service Medal
For meritorious direct participation in a significant military act or operation of a humanitarian nature performed after 1 April 1975.
(All Services)
Literary Service Ribbon
Air Force Cross
For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force.
(United States Air Force)
Longevity Ribbon
USAF Longevity Service Medal
Longevity Service Award
(United States Air Force)
Missions Ribbon (25)
Missions Ribbon (75)
Missions Ribbon (125)
Unable to Identify
Outstanding Volunteer Service Ribbon
Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
(All Services)
Recognition Ribbon
Air Force Recognition Ribbon
(United States Air Force)
Selective Special Mission Medal
Unable to Identify
Special Achievement Ribbon
Aerial Achievement Medal
For sustained meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight.
(United States Air Force)
Special Mission Ribbon Alpha
Air Medal
For meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight or for a single act of heroism against an armed enemy.
(All Services)
Special Mission Ribbon Charlie
Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Awarded in the name of the secretary of defense for recognition of non-combat meritorious achievement or service while assigned to a joint activity.
(All Services)
Training Ribbon (5,000)
Training Ribbon (10,000)
Training Ribbon (15,000)
Training Ribbon (20,000)
Training Ribbon (30,000)
Training Ribbon (40,000)
Training Ribbon (50,000)
Training Ribbon (75,000)
Training Ribbon (100,000)
Training Ribbon (150,000)
Training Ribbon (200,000)
Air Force Training Ribbon
For completion of Air Force initial military-accession training on or after 14 August 1974.
(United States Air Force)
USAF Cross Medal
Air Force Cross
For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force.
(United States Air Force)
US Meritorious Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
For Outstanding non-combat meritorious achievement or service to the United States.
(All Services)
Volunteer Service Ribbon
Distinguished Flying Cross
For heroism or extraordinary achievement in aerial flight.
(All Services)